With a knowledgeable, experienced financial planner on your side, you can make the most of retirement planning and ensure a comfortable retirement.

6 Essential Retirement Planning and Savings Tips

Most adults are aware of the fact that they’ll one day retire, but planning for that far-off day can be difficult, especially when you’re dealing with living expenses in the here and now. Unfortunately, people are living longer these days, so savings and retirement planning are more important than ever.

If you’re not sure how to get started with funding your savings, much less setting up retirement accounts or planning investment strategies, here are just a few essential tips to get you on the road to a comfortable retirement.

1. Start Early

It’s never too soon to start saving money or engaging in investment planning. Ideally, you should start the moment you begin earning a pay check.

You might not think it’s feasible to put money away when you’re in an entry level position and saddled with student loan debt. However, it’s just a matter of living within your means, sticking to a budget, and prioritizing how your money is allocated.

2. Contribute to Retirement Accounts

If your employer offers a 401K as part of your benefits package, for goodness sake, use it! The money that goes into your account is pre-tax, which means you’re essentially keeping more of every pay check and putting it toward your future.

In truth, you will probably need a supplemental policy like a Roth IRA to support you in retirement, but at the very least you should be putting money into your 401K.

3. Take Advantage of Company Matching

Many employers offer to match employee contributions to 401K policies up to a certain percentage of salary (say 3-6%). If this is the case, contribute enough to earn the maximum match to gain even more benefits from your employment.

4. Invest

With websites like E-Trade some people can handle their own investments these days, but you’re probably better off hiring a broker or investment management firm to help you make your money work for you with a diverse portfolio of stocks, bonds, and mutual funds.

5. Limit Debt

As any investment consultant will tell you, there’s good debt and bad debt. Purchasing an asset like a home is good debt that can build credit and equity. Racking up credit card debt that can ruin your credit rating is bad.

Either way, you don’t want to find yourself facing a mountain of debt (and interest payments) that can derail your plans to save money, contribute to retirement accounts, and plan for your financial future.

6. Get Professional Help

Engaging in wealth management in San Francisco, New York, or Atlanta is not just for the uber wealthy. Most adults could benefit from professional help when it comes to creating a plan for managing wealth.

With a knowledgeable and experienced financial planner on your side, you can make the most of the money you have, increase earnings, and develop a plan that ensures a comfortable retirement.